Kit list for tropical fieldwork


I’ve had some time to digest my most recent fieldwork experience and I’ve updated my generic tropical fieldwork kit list accordingly. This list is meant to be one where items should be excluded based on the circumstances, so if I’m working in a grassy savanna for instance, it’s probably unnecessary to take a mosquito headnet. Similarly, if I am working in an area with no trees, a hammock doesn’t make a lot of sense. Obviously the list is specific to me, but I guess it could be used as a loose guide and inspiration for others carrying out their first ecological fieldwork in the tropics.

I haven’t included basic clothing on the list because it seemed like it was too obvious.

The first aid kit is one that can be taken into the field everyday and contains the bare essentials. It doesn’t include antibiotics or more serious first aid supplies like SAM Splints, needles, sutures. These should be added if one knows how to use them competently, and depending on the remoteness of the fieldwork.

Outdoor clothing

Survival equipment


First aid kit


Sleeping equipment


Money and bureauracracy
