Yoga routine for fieldwork


This is the yoga routine I got into the habit of doing every day after returning from fieldwork. Hold each pose for at least 3-5 seconds:

  1. Child’s pose
  2. Table top
  3. Hip circles, both directions
  4. Puppy pose
  5. Table top
  6. Down dog
  7. Left leg to sky three legged dog
  8. Left knee to left elbow
  9. Left leg to sky three legged dog
  10. Left knee to nose
  11. Left leg to sky three legged dog
  12. Left knee to right elbow twist
  13. Left leg to sky three legged dog
  14. Low lunge
  15. Left arm to sky
  16. Low lunge
  17. High lunge
  18. Twist arms to left
  19. Transition to warrior two
  20. Peaceful warrior
  21. Left elbow to left knee
  22. Half bind
  23. Peaceful warrior
  24. Low lunge
  25. Left leg to sky three legged dog
  26. Down dog
  27. Plank
  28. 5 press-ups
  29. Chaturanga
  30. Up dog
  31. Down dog
  32. Repeat 7-31 for right leg
  33. Onto back, knees bent
  34. Happy baby
  35. Relax

Sometimes I mixed in other things, like waterfall pose at the end, lizard pose instead of low lunge, or warrior three instead of high lunge.