
Published articles

Godlee J. L., Ryan C. M., Siampale A., Dexter K. G. (2024), Tree species diversity drives the land surface phenology of seasonally dry tropical woodlands. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.14366

Davies R. W., … Godlee J. L. … (2023), Precipitation gradients drive high tree species turnover in the woodlands of eastern and southern Africa. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.06720

Rees M., Godlee J. L. … (2023), Testing White’s floristic impoverishment hypothesis in the forest-savanna transition zones of Africa. DOI: 10.3390/d15070833

Jucker T. … Godlee J. L. … (2022), Tallo: A global tree allometry and crown architecture database. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16302

Godlee J. L., Ryan C. M., Bauman D., Bowers S. J., Carreiras J. M. B., Chisingui A. V., Cromsigt J. P. G. M., Druce D. J., Finckh M., Gonçalves F. M., Holdo R. M., Makungwa S., McNicol I. M., Mitchard E. T. A., Muchawona A., Revermann R., Ribeiro N. S., Siampale A., Syampungani S., Tchamba J. J., Tripathi H. G., Wallenfang J., te Beest M., Williams M., Dexter K. G. (2021), Structural diversity and tree density drives variation in the biodiversity-ecosystem function relationship of woodlands and savannas. New Phytologist. DOI: 10.1111/nph.17639 - Download PDF

Godlee J. L., Gonçalves F. M., Tchamba J. J., Chisingui A. V., Muledi J. I., Shutcha M. N., Ryan C. M., Brade T. K., Dexter K. G. (2020), Diversity and Structure of an Arid Woodland in Southwest Angola, with Comparison to the Wider Miombo Ecoregion. Diversity. DOI: 10.3390/d12040140 - Download PDF

The SEOSAW Partnership (2020), A network to understand the changing socio‐ecology of the southern African woodlands (SEOSAW): Challenges, benefits, and methods. Plants People Planet. DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.10168

Panzou G. J. L. … Godlee J. L. … (2020), Pantropical variability in tree crown allometry. Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI: 10.1111/geb.13231

Daskalova G. N., Myers-Smith I. H., Godlee J. L. (2019), Rare and common vertebrates span a wide spectrum of population trends. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-17779-0

Rowland L., da Costa A. C., Oliveira A. A., Oliveira R. S., Bittencourt P. L., Costa P. B., Giles A. L., Sosa A. I., Coughlin I., Godlee J. L., Vasconcelos S. S., Junior J. A., Ferreira L. V., Mencuccini M. and Meir P. (2018), Drought stress and tree size determine stem CO2 efflux in a tropical forest. New Phytol, 218: 1393-1405. DOI: 10.1111/nph.15024

PhD thesis

Biodiversity - Ecosystem Function Relationships in Southern African Woodlands - 2021

Undergraduate thesis

Competition interactions among trees in a neotropical cloud forest: implications for climate-driven range shifts


Savanna Science Network Meeting - Tree species diversity and land surface phenology in Zambia - 2024-03-05

Integrating arid savannas into the SEOSAW network workshop - Woody carbon in the dry tropics - 2024-02-04

Alliance for Tropical Forest Science Mortality Working Group - Multi-stemmed trees, mortality rates, biogeographic patterns, biomass dynamics

University of Potsdam - Invited speaker - Current topics in biodiversity research - 2023-07-17

Edinburgh University lectureship job interview - 2023

SECO partnership plots meeting - 2022

SEOSAW science meeting - Tree biodiversity and land-surface phenology - 2021

SECO job interview - Carbon cycle of the dry tropics - 2021

Lab group presentation on digital data collection software - 2019

Confirmation report - Biodiversity and ecosystem function in southern African woodlands - 2018

Scottish Tropical Ecology and Biology Meeting - Tree seedling competition in Peruvian cloud forests - 2017


British Ecological Society Annual Meeting - 2022

Edinburgh University School of GeoSciences Post-Graduate Research (PGR) Conference - 2019

Interpretation Panel for Roslin Glen Gunpowder Mills - 2016


Modelling Ecosystem Processes - 4th year ecology course - 2022

R packages

JLGMisc - Miscellaneous convenience functions

compInd - Forest tree-tree competition indices

ProdVital - Productivity and vital rates following Kohyama (2018,2019) and Talbot (2014)

seosawr - SEOSAW data manipulation