I am a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh. I work on the SECO project - Resolving the current and future carbon dynamics of the dry tropics. My research uses plot data from across the dry tropics to understand how biogeography and functional variation among species influences ecosystem responses to drivers of vegetation change.

During my PhD I used plot data from the SEOSAW network to study interactions between tree biodiversity, canopy structure and biomass in southern African woodlands, with an emphasis on developing theory around the Biodiversity-Ecosystem Function Relationship in disturbed and resource-limited biomes. I conducted much of my PhD research in southwest Angola, where I co-manage 15 permanent woodland monitoring plots in Bicuar National Park. I have a deep interest in developing rigorous and accessible field protocols for monitoring wooded ecosystems, and in developing data management workflows for this type of data.

Outside my academic work I like to walk long-distance trails and wild camp, and I am interested in alternative farming practises in the UK. In 2021 I began a reforestation project on an area of farmland in North Yorkshire.

ORCiD: /0000-0001-5595-255X

Github: /johngodlee

University Profile: blogs.ed.ac.uk/johngodlee

Gemini: gemini://republic.circumlunar.space/~johngodlee/

Gopher: gopher://republic.circumlunar.space:70/1/~johngodlee

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