2024-10-27 - GPX files for Edinburgh cycle loops
2024-06-26 - Bash script to download audio from Youtube
2024-06-19 - Processing bike ride data from Fitotrack Android app
2023-12-24 - Raspberry Pi home server
2023-09-23 - tmux grouped sessions
2023-08-12 - Refurbishing my bike
2023-06-10 - Excel Scottish Land Tax calculator
2023-03-01 - Yoga routine for fieldwork
2023-01-03 - Command line tools I’d like to use but can’t
2022-12-29 - Shell script to extract colours from macOS themes
2022-12-23 - R function to find nearest named colour
2022-12-08 - CMUS colour scheme and persistent settings
2022-12-02 - Cider making
2022-09-18 - Low bandwidth radio
2022-08-16 - Tracking meals for a year
2022-06-20 - Todo lists in Vim, syntax highlighting
2022-06-07 - Starting a repeat census of the New Wood
2022-02-18 - Omajowa mushrooms
2022-01-15 - Food on New Year’s Eve
2022-01-10 - Atom notebooks
2021-11-30 - First setup for nvim-lsp with nvim-cmp
2021-10-26 - Extracting pages with colour from a PDF
2021-10-20 - New website
2021-10-12 - Walking three days of the Cleveland Way
2021-09-30 - Mulching trees to stop grass growth
2021-09-10 - PhD keyboard
2021-08-31 - Sensible page breaks in LaTeX grouped longtables
2021-08-21 - Collecting qualitative colour palettes
2021-08-15 - Flowering Aechmea fasciata
2021-08-08 - Grabbing BibTeX from a DOI
2021-08-01 - siunitx ‘S’ table column ’table-format’ option
2021-07-15 - BibLaTeX reference formatting
2021-07-10 - tmux popup windows for quickly launching scripts
2021-07-05 - Scraping museum catalogues
2021-05-15 - Using nnn.vim as a filepicker for neomutt attachments
2021-05-05 - FZF in vim and bash
2021-04-05 - Flatbreads
2021-03-25 - Planting 10 acres of woodland
2021-03-15 - Fixing a stool
2021-01-25 - Playfair cipher in R
2021-01-05 - Pandoc LaTeX shopping list template
2020-12-10 - Tiling wallpapers
2020-10-17 - Scripting qutebrowser to grab papers with scidownl
2020-10-10 - Propagating basil
2020-09-10 - Making playlists for cmus
2020-08-24 - Sort and filter .bib files
2020-08-08 - Curl-able contact card
2020-07-22 - Exporting images to LaTeX
2020-07-15 - How I cast Youtube videos to the TV
2020-07-10 - A weekend of consultations on woodland planting
2020-06-30 - Vim HTML img tag to markdown
2020-06-15 - FZF script for searching a lookup table
2020-05-10 - Snippets to tweak macOS
2020-04-30 - Shiny app to visualise scaled planetary orbits on world map
2020-04-25 - Compiling a single master.tex from a modular document
2020-04-05 - Comparison of F-droid notetaking apps on Android
2020-03-30 - Too many software options for group working
2020-03-25 - Shell script for internet radio
2020-03-20 - Low bandwidth internet browsing
2020-03-10 - My vimdiff setup
2019-11-25 - Creating a personal library catalogue
2019-11-20 - Making a Gopherhole
2019-11-10 - Making a LaTeX Beamer template
2019-11-05 - Shell script to get wifi password in macOS
2019-10-30 - UltiSnips cheatsheet
2019-10-25 - urlview to easily handle URLs in the terminal
2019-10-20 - Scraping instagram without an account
2019-10-10 - A Pandoc template for converting markdown letters to LaTeX PDFs
2019-10-05 - Custom .sty files in LaTeX
2019-09-30 - Miscellaneous LaTeX snippets
2019-09-12 - Analysing BibTeX files in R
2019-08-25 - My spot in Summer
2019-07-31 - Vim fold expression for BibTeX files
2019-07-25 - Making lists
2019-07-05 - Compressing images for this website
2019-06-25 - Fetching mail with offlineimap within Mutt
2019-05-25 - Task management macros in Vim
2019-05-20 - Fewer geocaches
2019-05-17 - Plain text data entry in the terminal
2019-04-20 - Angolan matchbox designs
2019-04-10 - Ubuntu network timeout
2019-02-28 - Python conda virtual environment in bash prompt
2019-02-15 - Using vifm to attach files to emails in Mutt
2019-01-29 - Using the LaTeX ‘float’ package with Pandoc
2019-01-13 - Weekend walk on the Southern Upland Way and John Muir Link
2019-01-05 - Using notmuch to search email in Mutt
2018-12-29 - Putting a Linux distro on a USB, from a Mac
2018-12-23 - Converting Alpine addressbook to Mutt aliases
2018-12-15 - Updated Mutt config, multiple accounts
2018-12-01 - Converting Qutebrowser bookmarks to w3m bookmarks
2018-11-06 - Making cider, bottling update
2018-11-02 - My spot in the woods in Autumn
2018-10-25 - Fixing up an Emmelle Diamond 5 bike
2018-10-19 - What I carry in my bag everyday
2018-09-29 - Making Cider
2018-09-24 - Update on plant growth
2018-08-31 - Ideas for a DIY bike chain tensioner
2018-08-25 - Foraging Chicken of the Woods
2018-08-20 - Spoon carving trees in the SEOSAW network
2018-08-20 - Pandoc CSS templates
2018-08-12 - Converting a bank .csv statement to ledger
2018-08-10 - Qutebrowser setup
2018-08-06 - VLC from the command line on macOS
2018-08-02 - Generating a static site using pandoc
2018-07-25 - Rebuilding a bike
2018-07-15 - Gmail on macOS command line: neomutt + offlineimap + notmuch + pass + vim + launchd (brew services) + w3m
2018-07-10 - Making a minimal wallet
2018-07-08 - Making a chopping board
2018-07-01 - Making arty renders of Belize’s rivers
2018-06-25 - Updating pypodd to download most recent
2018-06-20 - Knife wear and tear
2018-06-10 - Hammock setup
2018-05-05 - Foraging and making wild garlic pesto
2018-04-28 - Mapping GPX tracks from AAT for Android, in R
2018-04-07 - Updating pypodd to run .opml files
2018-04-07 - Dirty Weekenders Kitchen Table Talk
2018-04-05 - Kalanchoe propagation
2018-03-26 - I made a command line podcast grabber in Python
2018-03-25 - Spring woodworking in my spot
2018-03-02 - Grievances with email clients and the state of email usage
2018-01-11 - Replacing the lightline.vim plugin with a custom statusline/tabline
2017-12-10 - What are the possible uses for local webpages in a shared flat?
2017-11-01 - Producing Gitbooks
2017-11-01 - My workflow, tmux, vim, etc.
2017-09-25 - Reconditioning an old axe
2017-09-22 - Walking the Great Glen Way
2017-09-15 - Cycling from Bridge of Allan to Blackford
2017-09-15 - Brewing plum wine
2017-09-10 - Growing micro-greens on cotton wool
2017-09-01 - Analysing Ledger Personal Accounting Data Using R
2017-08-14 - Constructing a Useful Bash Prompt
2017-07-20 - Configuring Ranger, a File Manager for macOS, with rifle.conf